Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day Six - Ko Lanta, Thailand

We woke up at 7:30 or so, and helped ourselves to breakfast. We took a brief wade in the water before going to the front desk to inquire about potential activities.

We had thought about visiting Ko Phi Phi (an island about an hour away by boat, which is very popular with tourists), but we had just missed the last morning boat to the island. We also contemplated taking a jungle trek or elephant ride, but decided against it because of the likely unbearable humidity. The island heat is not bad at all when sitting alongside a beach with the breeze coming off the water, but as soon as you step inland, it becomes stifling.

So, instead, we decided to take a short cab ride 10 minutes north to another beach on Ko Lanta, Klong Dao. The water there was crystal clear, and the sand a very fine, light beige (worlds different from the rock and coral that line the beach at Moonlight Bay Resort). Klong Dao is more popular with tourists, and is lined with bars, kitsch shops, and spas. There are virtually no waves in the water, and it is perfect for swimming, and yet, there was almost no one on the beach. We have honestly seen Rehoboth Beach Deleware more crowded on a rainy day!

We had lunch at Easy Bar and sat under an umbrella on the beach, alternating turns swimming and reading. Lily got a Thai massage on the beach--one hour for the equivalent of $7. (The great irony, though, is that I have never felt LESS like I needed a massage. Where are my $7 spas in Washington DC where I can go after work!?)

At low tide (around 4pm), we took a moped taxi back to the hotel where we showered and had a beer before going out again.

This time we headed south to a restaurant called Same Same But Different. It caters to tourists, as you might imagine, and the over-done "authenticity" of the decor made it feel a little like Disneyland's Frontierland. But, with the tables in the sand, you really couldn't beat the sunset view. The food was wonderful (especially the spicy green papaya salad and the prawns in tamarind sauce).

The drive south was interesting--there are new resorts being built almost every where, but the southern portion of the island is certainly less developed.

Back at the hotel, we enjoyed drinks on the beach by candlelight and chatted with some of the hotel staff (one of whom keeps a diary of guests he meets). We watched the tide come higher than we'd seen yet, and then fell asleep around 10.


  1. Well let me try this again. I tried to send you a message but I am not sure that this Google thing I set up is working at all. It just rejected my message and then it vanished. Last time it did that I think it posted twice but here goes. I said it is cold and wet here and my job sucks! It sounds like you are having an idyllic time in a great honeymoon place away from all the craziness of life here. Maybe Daddy and I need to have a second honeymoon. Love this way of communication. At least it is working from your end. Loved the flip and the pictures and looking forward to more. Miss you both. Love, Mom, Dad, and Sis

  2. We hear you loud and clear! Keep the comments coming :-) Miss you all!
    ~Lily and Chris
